The Alliance model is one of partnerships. It is through a web of partnership that we mutually support one another to pursue God’s justice in the world.
How do our partnerships work?
We partner with a variety of people and entities around the world who share in the Alliance’s vision of God’s justice for the world. From individual persons to large organizations, the partnership approach models the mutuality of shared leadership so valued by the Alliance.
Active Hope Partners
Active Hope Partners are Alliance grant recipients to increase their capacity to respond to needs in their context and chart their own course for ministry. Since 2020, the Alliance has committed to reserve 20% of undesignated gifts be reserved for supporting our Active Hope Partners.
African Baptist Churches in Zimbabwe
Aliança de Batistas do Brasil
AMOS Health and Hope
Andrew P. Stewart Center
Bright Stars of Bethlehem
Calvary Baptist Church Latino Fellowship
Eglise Evangélique au Maroc
Emmaus House of Raleigh
Evangelical Baptist Church of Georgia Peace Cathedral
Fraternidad de Iglesías Bautistas de Cuba
The Hope Center at Pullen
Iglesia Bautista Shekina
Jitokeze Wamama Wafrika
Just Bakery of Atlanta
Pan African Peace Network – Uganda
The QC Family Tree
Rauschenbusch Metro Ministries
Samaritan Neighborhood Center
Seeds of Hope Publishers
Seminario Bautista de México
Seminario Intercultural Mayense
Song for Shalom
Zimbabwe Theological Seminary
Theological School Partners
Divinity schools, seminaries and schools of theology are critical for the ongoing development of church leaders who are responding to the continuing call of God in our changing world. Our theological school partners embody the values of the Alliance covenant and are committed to accompanying Alliance congregations and clergy in the growing of a vibrant church for today’s needs.
Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School
Berkeley School of Theology
Brite Divinity School
Eden Theological Seminary
Jesse C. Fletcher Seminary
Perkins School of Theology – SMU
Sophia Theological Seminary
Wake Forest University School of Divinity
Congregational Partners
The Alliance is a theological home for congregations in 29 states, Canada, and The Republic of Georgia committed to pursuing God’s call to justice and love. Congregational partners are encouraged to affirm the Alliance covenant, contribute financially to Alliance, engage with and support other Alliance partners, and participate in the life of the Alliance.
If your faith community would like to pursue partnership with the Alliance, please write
Click here to find a church near you.
Individual Partners
There are over 500 persons across the United States and Canada who support the Alliance of Baptists who are connected through financial gifts and gifts of time. Like congregational partners, individuals who find a theological home with the Alliance connect in supporting the vision of the Alliance and connecting with partners near and far.
Advocacy, Program, Ecumenical, and Interfaith Partners
These partners proclaim the vision of the Alliance in unique contexts through advocacy, collaborative work, and prophetic justice-seeking.
Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists
Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty
Bautistas por la Paz
Canadian Association for Baptist Freedoms
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Christian Women’s Network
Church World Service
Churches for Middle East Peace
Creation Justice Ministry
Ecumenical Advocacy Days
Ecumenical Poverty Initiative
The Educational Center
Equity for Women in the Church
Faith Forum
Faithful Democracy
Faiths United
Global Baptist Peace Conference
Insurance Board
Interfaith Immigration Coalition
Interfaith Network on Drone Warfare
Labyrinth Progressive Student Ministry
Latin America Working Group
National Council of Churches
National Farm Worker Ministry
Omnia Institute for Contextual Leadership
One Library at a Time
Our Whole Lives
The Pension Boards
Religious Education Association
SHINE Curriculum
Shoulder to Shoulder
United Church Funds
Washington Interfaith Staffing Community
Partnership Core Values
Partner’s Expertise: We recognize our partner’s expertise in their context, trusting and following their lead in building capacity to create justice.
Accompaniment: We minister alongside our partners to grow a vibrant church and a deeper relationship with God.
Respect: We value spirituality and wisdom across lines of culture and faith, treasuring friendship and understanding with accountability.
Mutuality: We learn alongside communities who have been marginalized recognizing the wisdom that arises in struggles for liberation.
Solidarity: We believe that work for justice draws us closer to one another and deeper into the love of God. The Spirit moves through our work with one another in this journey. We celebrate all who are called to ministry, empowered by the One who loves us to join hearts and hands.
Interested in becoming a ministry partner? Email and we’ll be in touch with more information.
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