
Upcoming Events

Theologies of Resistance Through the Lens of Acts:
Mobilizing & Organizing

July 31, August 27, and September 23, 2024
7:00pm Eastern

Join us for this three-part series starting July 30! The latest installment of our Prophetic Imagination will explore the history, theory, and practice of organizing through a theological framework of resistance. We will be able to identify the practice of mythmaking, understand the present nature of history, and offer practical tools from lessons in mobilizing and organizing in context.

With conversations led by Milton Keys, Too Black, and Erreol Morgan with Alliance THRIVE coordinator Alexis Tardy, this is a series you won’t want to miss!

Click the image to register today!

Past Events

Continuing the Conversation

Wednesdays, May 1-July 10, 2024
12:00pm Eastern

Do you ever walk away from the Alliance Annual Gathering looking to continue the conversation? This year, you’ll have the opportunity to do just that! We are excited to announce that through the months of May and June, you’ll have the opportunity to gather to learn from and dialogue with Alliance members as we continue this work together. We are excited to bring a dynamic team of leadership to continue to engage the topics of decolonizing and engaging church leadership and partnership in a justice-oriented way!

Click HERE for more details!

Juneteenth Vigil

Wednesday, June 19, 2024
12:00pm Eastern

Join us for our annual Juneteenth Vigil! This year, Christine and Dennis Wiley will bring a word to us and we will worship together with our friends from across the Alliance on Zoom!

Click HERE to register!

Decolonizing the Great Commission: 2024 Annual Gathering

Friday-Sunday, April 12-14, 2024
Myers Park Baptist Church
Charlotte, North Carolina

About our Theme: We will take a close look at another foundational principle of the Alliance: partnership in ministry. True partnership cannot be built when we hear Jesus’ call in Matthew 28 to go and make disciples with colonizing ears. Together, let’s discern how we can hear Jesus’ sending words with new ears for a new day as we partner in ministry.

2024 Endorsement Retreat

Thursday, April 11, 2024
Myers Park Baptist Church
Charlotte, North Carolina

The Endorsed Community of the Alliance of Baptists will gather prior to the Annual Gathering at Myers Park Baptist Church for their annual retreat.

To learn more and to register, click HERE.

Black History Month Teach-In

Tuesday, February 27

For Black History Month the Alliance of Baptists celebrated by offering a teach-in on the Long Black Freedom Struggle and what it means for these times in which we live. Led by our co-director, Reverend Elijah R. Zehyoue, Ph.D., we looked at Vincent Harding’s text “There Is A River”, as we examined the significance of Black history today, especially as more states restrict and suppress this important history.

Missed this one? Watch the recording HERE.

A Long Walk Toward Justice

Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Live on Zoom

Missed this one? Watch the recording of THRIVE cohort congregation, Pullen Memorial Baptist Church sharing their journey of organizing antiracism efforts in their local context HERE.