
Upcoming Events

When White Churches Commit to Racial Justice

Tuesdays, October 22 and November 12
7:00pm Eastern

Five years ago, we joined with the leadership of the Alliance to consider how three sociologists might resource the mission of the Alliance of Baptists. Our conversations resulted in launching the THRIVE Project in Fall of 2020, partnering with 27 congregations located across the United States and Canada who were committed to becoming antiracist. Together, we entered a process of mutual learning and discovery, engaging personally with pastors, lay leaders, and church members, all bringing the breadth of their diversity to bear on how Alliance congregations have enacted initiatives aimed toward racial justice.
By gathering and comparing our observations, interviews, and conversations, we have learned so much. We took time to meet online and in person. We traveled to be with Racial Task Force committees, participate in church services, join in larger gatherings, and break bread together. We attended Alliance annual gatherings, and we created the Prophetic Imagination online series. During our times together, we have seen so much. Alliance folks shared many inspiring stories. They have also been open about both their hopes and their frustrations. We are ready to share some of our learning with you.