Annual Report – Retired Endorsement

Thank you for your ongoing support of the Alliance of Baptists through your service as a retired endorsed minister of the Alliance. 

The completion of this Annual Report is one of four requirements to maintain your endorsement with the Alliance. The others include: a minimum annual gift to the Alliance of $75; notification of any legal, ethical, or professional actions filed against the person within one month of the change or action; and attendance at an Alliance gathering at least once every four years.

The contents of this report are confidential and will only be shared with the Endorser and members of the Alliance of Baptists Endorsement Council. 

Please complete all pages of this Annual Report and submit before March 1, 2023. If you have any questions or concerns please contact our endorser at

* = required field

Part I: Personal Information

Part III: Endorsement Requirements

Part IV: Questions for Reflection

Please reflect on the following questions and offer a brief response.

Part V: Alliance of Baptists Compliant Policy

All complaints and reports of misconduct relating to Alliance of Baptists Endorsed Clergy will be handled as follows:

  • Any member of the Alliance of Baptists Board, Alliance of Baptists staff, or the Endorsing Council who receives such information, shall promptly inform the President of the Alliance of Baptists of that information. Once the President has been informed, no further action shall be taken, except by the President, acting in consultation with legal counsel, or by legal counsel, as authorized by the Alliance of Baptists Board of Directors.
  • After receiving such information, the President of the Alliance of Baptists shall promptly confer with legal counsel for the Alliance of Baptists, and take whatever action the President and legal counsel conclude is appropriate under the circumstances.
  • The President of the Alliance of Baptists and legal counsel will consider how and when to consult with the Executive Committee and/or the full Board of Directors of the Alliance of Baptists, depending on the nature of the issues raised and the urgency of the matter.
  • The President of the Alliance and legal counsel will consider whether consultation with the the Endorsing Council is appropriate under the circumstances.
  • The Alliance of Baptists’ response may include notification of Alliance of Baptists-affiliated congregations or of certifying organizations and employers, as is appropriate under the circumstances.

This policy shall not apply to reports of misconduct by Alliance of Baptists Employees, Officers or Directors, which shall be governed by the existing Whistleblower Resolution and procedures.

This policy shall be distributed annually to all Alliance of Baptists staff, all members of the Board of Directors of the Alliance of Baptists, all members of the Endorsing Council.

Each person receiving the Policy shall sign and return a copy indicating that they understand the policy, have complied with it, and will comply with it. As part of the annual renewal process, Endorsed Clergy shall indicate that they understand this policy, have complied with it, and will comply with it.

Adopted by the Board of Directors, Alliance of Baptists, May 1, 2014

Clear Signature

Part VI: Covenantal Code of Ethics for Endorsed Clergy

As an endorsed clergyperson of the Alliance of Baptists, I make the following commitments:

  • I will work cooperatively and collegially with those with whom I serve in the ministry to which I have been called.
  • I will stand in a supportive relationship with my colleagues in ministry, offering and receiving counsel and support in times of need.
  • I will maintain the highest ethical standards with colleagues, institutions, or congregations that employ me.
  • I will recognize the power my ministry gives me and refrain from practices that are harmful to others and which endanger my integrity or my professional effectiveness.
  • I will use my ministerial status, position and authority in ways that do not abuse, misguide, negatively influence, manipulate or take advantage of anyone, especially children.
  • I will personally and professionally support persons who experience discrimination on the basis of gender, sexual identity, gender expression, race, ethnicity, age, marital status, national origin, religion, physical ability, or mental ability.
  • I will seek to know, understand and respect the diversity of opinions, beliefs, and practices of others.
  • I will be a good steward of that which God provides and handle my own finances and those of my partners in ministry and my place of employment honestly and with great care.
  • I will seek to grow in faith, knowledge, and the practice of ministry through spiritual practices, study, professional development, and service.
  • I will live a life that honors my commitments to myself and my loved ones, including the need for privacy, time apart, and time together.
  • I will honor all confidences shared with me in my capacity as a clergyperson, unless not allowed by law, and I will maintain such confidentiality even when the pastoral relationship has ended.
  • I will navigate transitions between ministries carefully to support the ministry of those who follow me as well as the well-being of those with whom I have had a pastoral relationship.

With God’s help and the help of my colleagues in ministry, I make this covenant.

Clear Signature
By typing my name in the above Signature box, I indicate that the information provided on this Annual Report is accurate and may be verified by the Alliance of Baptists. I further agree that as an Alliance of Baptists endorsed minister, I will practice my ministry in accordance with the Clergy Covenant as outlined above.

Part VII: Demographics

If you did not complete this section last year, kindly complete the following section on your social location. We are beginning to track this information for several important reasons:

  • To better understand and in turn support our endorsed community
  • For grant funding opportunities
  • To help us measure our progress on our goals in antiracism work 

Thank you.