Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.EmailAll completed evaluations (with an email address) will be entered into a drawing to win Alliance gear!Please share which large group gatherings you attended. *Friday Morning Embodiment (Lewis)Friday Morning Worship (Mia McClain preaching)Friday morning Lecture (Elijah Zehyoue)Friday Panel (Global South)Saturday Morning Embodiment (Lewis)Saturday Panel (North America)Saturday Keynote (Mitri Raheb)Saturday Worship (Rusudan Gotsirizde preaching)Sunday Worship (Racquel Gill preaching)Please share which workshops you attended. *Antiracist Action with Your Money (Loving)Apostles of the Impossible (Harris)Church Reimagined (Cole, Gray, Meyers)Decolonizing Healing (Keys)Decolonizing Church (Chennault, Jaret, Johnson, Jones)Dismantling Christian Natioinalism (McKee)Do You Know Your Church’s History? (Gardner and Jarrell)Good News of Environmental Justice (Paradise and Vander Lugt)Indigenous Communities (Juarez)Senior to Elder (Thigpen and Hudson)Partnering with Palestine (Tanner)Decolonizing Great Commission with FIBAC (Murguido and Castillo)What was your favorite part of worship?If there was a part of worship that you did not enjoy, please share that here.What was your favorite part of the lectures (panel and keynote)?If you have feedback about the lectures, please share that here.What was your favorite part of the workshops you attended?In your response, please indicate which workshop(s) you attended.If you have feedback about the workshops, please share that here.In your response, please indicate which workshop(s) you attended.How did you connect with the material presented and theme of the event? *Did you feel like you had all of the information you needed ahead of time to prepare for the gathering?YesNoOtherWhat additional information would have been helpful for you to have before the gathering?Did you eat the boxed lunch?YesNoIf you ate the boxed lunch, do you have any comments?Did you stay at the gathering hotel? *YesNoIf you stayed at the gathering hotel, how would you rate the gathering hotel?Rate 1 out of 5Rate 2 out of 5Rate 3 out of 5Rate 4 out of 5Rate 5 out of 5If a hybrid in-person/online event was offered in the future, how likely are you to attend in-person versus online?1 – Would not attend in-person2 – Unlikely to attend in-person3 – Somewhat Unlikely. Location would impact decision.4 – Unsure5 – Somewhat Likely. Location would impact decision.6 – Likely to attend in-person7 – Would definitely attend in-personWhat did you think about the length of the gathering? *Too shortJust rightToo longIf you have further comments about the length of the gathering, please share that here.As a result of this gathering, do you feel more connected to the Alliance or less? *MoreThe sameLessIf you have any further comments about how connected you feel to the Alliance, please share that here.How would you rate the Annual Gathering overall? *Rate 1 out of 5Rate 2 out of 5Rate 3 out of 5Rate 4 out of 5Rate 5 out of 5Any final thoughts you'd like to share? Submit
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