By Joann Davis
As I reflect on the Charlotte Gathering of the Alliance of Baptists, the glad reunion of multiple International Partners, the greeting of friends new and old, the challenge of our topic with incredible preaching and learning…I just keep thinking, “Let’s do THIS again”!
What delight we shared in being with our partners from Cuba, Brazil, Gaza, Georgia (Republic), Ghana, Mexico, Zimbabwe and a video shared from our Ugandan partner. We had representatives from Kenya and South Africa searching for kindred spirits in the work of justice, decolonizing and religious freedom. Our new Kenyan friend, Rev. Abiud Oyoo, when asked “why the Alliance?” he responded that he came because of our topic, Decolonizing the Great Commission, Reimagining Partnership in Ministry and the need for 25 progressive Baptist churches in Kenya to find others in the movement. Our world is hungry for reimagining and living into “the great commandment.”
Thank you to the Alliance staff and Myers Park Baptist Church for welcoming us and navigating multiple moving parts that brought us all together. Dr. Elijah Zehyoue provided a historical background of colonization of countries and the power of religious teachings and evangelization upon indigenous communities.
Our attention and hearts were captured as we listened to our guest partners and preachers share stories of widespread hunger in Africa due to climate changes; the USA’s embargo on Cuban shipping which directly affects humanitarian relief; the Chiapas community in Southern Mexico where Coca-Cola uses 110,000-300,000 gallons of water a day for making their drink products while diminishing local water supply but providing sweet drinks in the community with negative health effects. Rev. Mitri Raheb reminded us that in the pain and suffering of conflict between Israel and Gaza‘s Palestinians, God does not leave us. The Bright Stars of Bethlehem program in Gaza is supported by the Alliance and continues to exist. Through the panel discussions, voice was given to enormous challenges while at the same time hope is bolstered by the power of friendship as we stand with and pray alongside our partners.
As an Alliance board member during the early years when we began these International Partnerships, I have seen how years of listening and visiting cultivates friendships. Immersion into communities, cultural exchange, and mutual learning help us see God’s broader picture of humankind. As we celebrate and weep with one another, the need to impress begins to drop away, and we glimpse and experience the complicated, beautiful tapestry of God’s grace in and through others.
As an Alliance board member during the early years when we began these International Partnerships, I have seen how years of listening and visiting cultivates friendships. Immersion into communities, cultural exchange, and mutual learning help us see God’s broader picture of humankind. As we celebrate and weep with one another, the need to impress begins to drop away, and we glimpse and experience the complicated, beautiful tapestry of God’s grace in and through others.
Our partners from the Zimbabwe Theological Seminary (ZTS) have been personal friends I have known through immersion opportunities with JourneyPartners. (JourneyPartners is a nonprofit organization and Alliance partner for over 25 years. Our focus is partnerships in education, health and clean accessible water. Our beginnings were with the Baptist Theological Seminary where Dr. Henry Mugabe was Principal.) ZTS was born out of the struggle and support for women in ministry and ecumenism in the larger body of Christ. The African Baptist Churches of Zimbabwe was founded during this evolution of ZTS. In 2022, the tragic deaths of Founder and Professor, Dr. Henry Mugabe, Henry’s son Munya and Principal, Dr Dudzirai Chimeri in a car accident brought deep, shared grief for us all.
The Alliance was blessed by the presence of Rev. Hermina Mugabe, Henry’s spouse, Rev. Henerieta Mgovo, and Rev. Dr. Munorwei (Muno) Chirovamavi, Principal— all representatives of our partners, Zimbabwe Theological Seminary and the African Baptist Churches of Zimbabwe of which Rev. Mgovo is the first woman president. God’s watchful care and the strength of legacy lives forth. The selection of Rev. Muno Chirovamavi, as Principal, renewed hope, stabilized leadership, and the dream goes courageously forward through team efforts. The seminary received affiliate status in 2023 with the Great Zimbabwe University’s Ethics and Religion Department. As in many countries, Zimbabwe is struggling with the disasters of drought, economy, hunger, health care and government corruption.
May we, in partnership, live ever deeper into the mystery of God’s bringing us together in partnerships for hope and ultimately peacemaking of our world. Hermina Mugabe shares in our conversation the old African saying—“Umbutu”—“I am because you are; You are because I am.”
May it be so—thanks be to God.

Joann Davis serves as the chairperson of Journey Partners’ Board of Directors. Journey Partners is an Active Hope Partner of the Alliance of Baptists. Jounrey Partners’ purpose states, “Partnership is our context, accompanying and assisting our partners in a task or project. Our partners invite us to participate in a project, and we work under their supervision; their self-direction and self-determination at the core of our work together. As much as possible, we live among the people with whom we work and minister. JourneyPartners journeys are shaped as cross-cultural immersions: We go as learners. We go as students of culture, heritage and faith. We go as receivers, as well as givers.
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