Endorsement Retreat Registration

Topic: Healing and Care in a World of Trauma: A Womanist Ethic of Healing with Emphasis on Embodiment

The 2025 Alliance of Baptist Endorsement Retreat will include time for community building, self-care, and support in the morning.  In the afternoon we are pleased to offer programming led by two of our own Alliance of Baptist endorsed community, Lauri Swann and Amy Canosa.  Drawing from the wisdom of Womanist ethics of care, as presented by Dr. Emile Townes and Resmaa Menakem’s Five Anchors, and practical healing practices, this workshop offers an opportunity to understand the power of communal lament and integrate tools for embodied healing in your personal and communal life.

Location: Riverside DC, Washington, D.C. (and online)

Date: March 27, 2025 from 10:00am-4:00pm (lunch provided)

CE hours: 3hrs/+ for Alliance-endorsed persons (chaplains and chaplain educators)

PLEASE NOTE: Participants are asked to read My Grandmothers Hands by Resmaa Menakem and Breaking the Fine Rain of Death: African American Health Issues and a Womanist Ethic of Care by Emilie Townes prior to the retreat.

Please complete a registration form for each individual registering. The deadline to register is March 14, 2025.

* = required field

Registration Information

Scholarship Assistance

Would you like to help offset the cost of attending the retreat for those for whom finances are a barrier to attending? A gift in any amount is helpful and completely-tax-deductible.

Minimum Price: $10.00

Participant Information


Please select which lunch option you prefer. The cost of lunch is included in your registration fee.


Registration will be refunded with written notice received by April 1, 2024 less a $25 processing fee.

Payment Information