2025 Annual Gathering

We are excited to see you in DC!

We are excited to announce that the 2025 Annual Gathering will be held at Riverside DC Church at the Wharf, March 28-30!

We encourage all who plan to attend this year’s gathering to REGISTER AND BOOK LODGING EARLY! We are beyond excited to announce our keynote speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Wil Gafney!

Register to Attend In-Person HERE.

Register to Attend Virtually HERE.

Want to get 10% off the cost of registration??? Become a Monthly Donor today!

Questions??? Email us anytime at info@allianceofbaptists.org.


We are ecstatic to be back in Washington DC this year and so grateful for this year’s host congregation, Riverside DC Church at the Wharf!

The church recently went through a facility renovation and the beautiful new church facility opened in 2018. The space will provide a beautiful backdrop to talk about womanism and traditions of resistance!

Hotel Recommendations

Across the Street from Riverside DC:

Hyatt House Washington DC / The Wharf

725 Wharf St SW, Washington, DC 20024

Parking: $65 per night, Daily valet rate: $40/day

A Little Walk Away:

citizenM Washington DC Capitol

550 School St SW, Washington, DC 20024

No parking available at this hotel.

~ 10 minute walk to Riverside DC

Farther Afield: 

Holiday Inn Express: Washington DC East-Andrews AFB

5001 Mercedes Boulevard Camp Springs, Maryland 20746

Accessible self parking available. 

Van accessible self-parking parking available.

Please note that the Alliance does not have a block of rooms reserved at any of these hotels. We encourage you to make reservations early as this is a popular time of year to visit DC.

To help save on hotel costs, this year, we’re providing the opportunity for you to sign up for a roommate. Here’s how it works: put your information into this sign-up sheet and check back in a few days to see if there are any others looking for a roommate that match your needs! You are responsible for getting in contact with the potential roommate of your choice and making all of the hotel arrangements on your own. 

Please note: The Alliance will not be managing this list or making reservations. You are responsible for booking your hotel and reaching out to others if you are seeking a roommate. 

Email info@allianceofbaptists.org with any questions.


Thursday, March 27, 2025

10a-4p Chaplain’s Retreat

1p-5p Board Meeting

Baptist Beer Garden (in the evening)

Friday, March 28, 2025

8:00-9:00a Registration Opens, coffee and snacks

9:00-10:30a Welcome, Opening Worship– Rev. Dr. Gabby Cudjoe Wilkes

11:00–12:30p Keynote Lecture, Dr. Wil Gaffney

12:30- 2:00p Lunch

2:00-3:30p  Special Presentation Dr. Christena Cleveland

3:30-4:30p Small Group Reflections

4:30-6:00p  Community Meetings

Saturday, March 29, 2025

8:00-9:00a Church opens, coffee and snacks

9:00-10:30a  Lecture, Dr. Christena Cleveland

10:30-11:30a Small Group Reflections

11:30-1:30p. Lunch

1:30 – 3:00p  Dr. Wil Gaffney, Keynote Lecture II

3:30-5:00p Worship with communion, Rev. Dr. Leah Grundset Davis

Sunday, March 30, 2025

Sunday Morning Worship at Riverside DC, Rev. Danielle Dufoe


A more detailed schedule will be made available soon. Please check the website for the most up-to-date information.

Keynote Speaker

The Rev. Dr. Wil Gafney, Ph.D. is a biblical scholar whose work focuses on translation of the scriptures for congregations and lay readers, womanist and feminist biblical interpretation and, women who prophesied in ancient Israel and the ancient Afro-Asiatic world. She is the Right Rev. Sam B. Hulsey Professor of Hebrew Bible at Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth, Texas. She is the author of A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church and translator of its biblical selections; the first two volumes, Year A and W (a stand-alone volume) were published in 2021. Volume B was published in July 2023 and C in July 2024. She is the author of Womanist Midrash: A Reintroduction to Women of the Torah and of the Throne, a commentary on Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah in the Wisdom series; Daughters of Miriam: Women Prophets in Ancient Israel; and co-editor of The Peoples’ Bible and The Peoples’ Companion to the Bible. The second volume of Womanist Midrash focusing on women in the Former Prophets: Joshua Judges, Samuel and Kings is expected in October 2024.

Dr. Gafney is an Episcopal priest canonically resident in the Diocese of Pennsylvania and licensed in the Diocese of Texas and a former Army chaplain and congregational pastor in the AME Zion Church. A former member of the Dorshei Derekh Reconstructionist Minyan of the Germantown Jewish Center in Philadelphia, she has co-taught courses with and for the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Seminary in Wyncote, PA. Her lectures and sermons are widely sought after in academic and Jewish and Christian congregational spaces in the US and in the UK. She is a public-facing religious scholar, preacher, teacher, activist and, an amateur watercolorist. To read Rev. Dr. Wil Gafney’s full bio click HERE.

Also Joined By…

Christena Cleveland, Ph.D. is a social psychologist, public theologian, author, and activist. A weaver of Black liberation and the Divine Feminine, Dr. Cleveland embraces the archetype of the Black Madonna as she guides people of all races and genders into freedom, wholeness, and embodied justice.

Her latest book is God Is a Black Woman which details her 400-mile walking pilgrimage across central France in search of ancient Black Madonna statues, and examines the relationship among race, gender, and cultural perceptions of the Divine. In addition to nurturing a virtual, global Black Madonna community, Christena is currently working on her fourth full-length book in which she is exploring the miraculous, liberating, and zany ways that the Black Madonna has protected, empowered, and nourished people around the globe and throughout history.

An award-winning researcher and former professor at Duke University’s Divinity School, Christena lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. You can discover more about the Black Madonna and Christena at www.christenacleveland.com.

Friday’s Preacher

Rev. Dr. Gabby Cudjoe Wilkes is a pastor, public theologian, innovation strategist and author. She is the founding-co lead pastor of The Double Love Experience Church in Brooklyn, New York and The Inaugural Director of The Technology, Innovation & Digital Engagement Lab Fellowship at Union Theological Seminary. 

Her work has been featured in Essence, Forbes & The New York Times. She is the co-author of the best-selling book, Psalms for Black Lives: Reflections for the Work of Liberation. The book has sold over 10,000 books and counting. She is the recipient of numerous awards and citations including the 2024 National Action Network Woman of Excellence Award from Rev. Al Sharpton, the Guy R Brewer Religious Leadership Award from their Queens Democratic Club, The Yale University Charles S Mersick Preaching Prize as well as the Outstanding Graduate Student Award from The Yale Af-Am House.

Dr. Gabby’s voice echoes in the public square. In 2023 she was a featured guest in the HBO Max/Own Docu-Series, A Time of Essence. She and her church were featured in the 2024 GOSPEL documentary by Skip Gates on PBS & she was a guest speaker in the first documentary film of The Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture,
gODTalk. She’s also a frequent guest on the nationally syndicated radio show: Get Up Mornings With Erica Campbell.

Dr. Gabby holds a doctorate from Duke University, a Masters of Divinity from Yale University, a Masters of Arts from NYU and a Bachelors from Hampton University. She is the current President of the Yale Divinity School Alumni Board and a member of the prestigious Morehouse College Martin Luther King Jr. Board of Preachers. Dr. Gabby is a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated and is committed to the work of love and justice. She resides in Brooklyn, New York with her husband, Rev. Dr. Andrew Wilkes.

Saturday’s Preacher

Rev. Dr. Leah Grundset Davis (she/her) is pastor at Ravensworth Baptist Church, Annandale, VA, an Alliance of Baptists’ partner congregation. She first joined the RBC staff in 2017 as co-pastor and then as pastor in 2019. 

She completed her Doctor of Ministry degree at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology in 2017. There, her studies focused on the intersections of identity for six Alliance of Baptists’ clergywomen who found grounding for their Baptist identity in Mary’s Magnificat in Luke 1. This work was eventually published as the book Believe the Women: A Journey of Liberation with Alliance of Baptists’ Women. Her seminary studies were conducted at Baylor’s Truett Seminary where she received a Master of Divinity degree in 2007. Leah graduated from Baylor University in 2004. Leah previously served as the communications specialist at the Alliance of Baptists and as Associate Pastor at Calvary Baptist Church, Washington, D.C.

She lives in Northern Virginia with her husband John, and their two daughters Lydia (11) and Sadie Pearl (9).

Sunday’s Preacher

Rev. Danielle Dufoe has spent the last 20 years helping vulnerable populations live longer, healthier, lives. Her work is deeply rooted in her faith that affirms the love of God for all people.

She is a consummate advocate for all who are marginalized and oppressed. As a Black transgender woman, Rev. Dufoe has a particular sensitivity for those harmed by the weaponization of gender. She sees the work of justice and mercy, as the work of every Christian. Her guiding light may be found in Micah 6:8:

…to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God. 

A preacher, teacher, and dedicated abolitionist, Danielle Dufoe is a native of Camden New Jersey. Her current work is to assist and restore homeless youth in Atlantic City, NJ. She is a life-long learner. Above her many academic achievements, she is most proud to be an alumna of Howard University School of Divinity. 

Today Rev. Dufoe makes her home in picturesque Cape May, New Jersey. She is the mother of Maestro Dufoe


The Annual Gathering would not be possible without our incredible sponsors. This year we are grateful for support from the following organizations and theological schools:

Frequently Asked Questions

What?! I thought the Annual Gatherings were held in April! Why are we holding this gathering so early!?

While the Alliance traditionally has held our Annual Gatherings the week or two after Easter, we recognize what a significant burden this places on our host congregations and their staff. In an attempt to ease the burden, we moved the gathering this year into Lent and further away from Easter and Holy Week. We are using this year to experiment, and we hope you will join us.

When will the early-bird rate end?

January 15, 2025.

When does registration close?

The last day to register is March 14, 2025.

Can I register for just one day?

Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate single-day registration. We hope you join us for the portions of the gathering you are able to attend and use the hybrid option for the portions you cannot attend.

Will there be any events hosted on Thursday, March 27, 2025?

Typically the Alliance has hosted a welcome happy hour the day prior to the gathering. While nothing has been scheduled yet, it is fair to assume the Alliance will host a Baptist Beer Garden in the evening on Thursday, March 27, 2025, and we encourage you to take this into consideration when making your hotel and flight arrangements.

When will a full schedule be made available?

The planning team is working on the schedule and hopes to have a more detailed schedule available in the coming weeks. We can tell you that Dr. Gafney and Dr. Cleveland are scheduled for two full sessions on both Friday and Saturday, March 28 and 29, 2025.

Is there a hotel block?

No. There is a list of recommended hotels based on location and affordability. Please take into consideration the cost of parking at the different hotel options.

Is there parking readily available at the church?

Parking is not available at the church. There is limited parking in the vicinity. We encourage you to make plans accordingly. Here are some parking garage options within the vicinity of the church:

Wharf Garage 1 – 20 Blair Alley SW Entrance 

Wharf Garage 1 – 19 Sutton Square SW Entrance 

Wharf Garage 1 – 700 Water St SW Entrance 

Wharf Garage 2 – 21 Riley Street SW Entrance 

Wharf Garage 2 – 21 Parker Row SW Entrance 

Wharf Garage 3 – 602 Water St SW Entrance

Please use this link to find available metro parking options. We highly recommend you make plans to stay near the church or be prepared to use the Metro while in DC. 

Is there public transportation available?

Yes, Washington DC has rail and bus services. L’Enfant Plaza Metro Station is a .5 mile walk to the church. More information, including maps and directions, can be found here.

Will meals be provided?

Meals will not be provided. We will be providing a longer-than-typical lunch break to provide transportation time to and from nearby restaurants on and near the Wharf. We encourage you to explore all of the local fare options prior to arriving to DC. If you experience limited mobility, we encourage you to explore delivery services. The Fellowship Hall will be equipped with space for you to enjoy your delivered meal. 

Will childcare be provided?

While the Alliance of Baptists strives to make Gatherings accessible to all people, the constraints of this year’s location has unfortunately made providing childcare difficult. We will not be able to provide childcare for this year’s gathering, but the space will be open to all people of every age. We encourage you to bring children with you as you like or need, just please be sure you register them individually.

Will there be a hybrid option?

Yes, a hybrid option will be available which will include all keynote speakers and worship services. Workshop options will also be made available online. More information about our online capacities will be made available in the coming months.

My organization is interested in sponsoring the gathering. How do we sign up to sponsor or host an exhibit table at the gathering?

We are so excited your organization wants to partner with us for this year’s gathering! You can learn more about the sponsorship levels here and register your organization here!